Here's what I've been up to the last few weeks. I've been really busy lately and just started lagging on updating this blog. Sorry!
So this is the final version of the silhouette project. I'm actually pretty proud of how it came out. I have to say, it took waayy longer than I thought it would take. But it was definitely worth it!
And here's an in class assignment we did. It supposed to be an abstract design that represents yourself. This is what I came up with.
And here's an update on the eye assignment:
1. brushstroke
2. pattern
3. chrome eye
4. 3d eye in sketchup
5. photo
so that's it for now! I'll be posting up more very soon!! :D
I am a graphic design major at California State University, Fullerton. My passion is art and fashion. I hope to work with magazine layouts in the fashion industry after I graduate.